Friday, 21 March 2014

Dark Souls 2: Bonfire Consumables Rundown - Human Effigy

Hey guys, Cobalt Blue here once again and I'll get straight to the point. This is my last Rundown on the Bonfire Consumables and I'll be taking a look at the final item; Human Effigy. If you haven't had a chance to check out my other Rundowns on Bonfire Ascetic and Sublime Bone Dust, the other two items that can be burned in Bonfires, then I would recommend checking both of them out if you're new to the Dark Souls 2. Even if you're fairly experienced to to the game then it may still be worth a read. You never know whether or not you'll come across something you never knew.

Human Effigy

What is it and what does it do?

So the final piece to this trio is known as the Human Effigy and is identical to the same one that we are given at the start of the game by one of the women in red. Those that have played through the intro sequence, seen the item we are given or read about it would know that it is a key item to restoring your humanity when death finally strikes as well as posses a secondary function at Bonfires. I'll explain both of these effects and how they work.

Every time you die in Dark Souls 2, you will start to become more hollow as your humanity starts to fade. Effects of fading humanity will result in a percentage decrease to your max HP (the red bar located top left of the screen) and you're character's skin becoming dark green with white eyes, as well as certain parts on his body looking as if they're decaying. When a Human Effigy is selected and used in the inventory, your character will hold it in his hand and push it into his body via the chest area. This will completely restore your humanity back to full, restoring the health bar back to its max amount from whatever point it may have been at and your character will physically change and look human once again.

Now it's time to move on from inserting Human Effigy into your body to placing it into a Bonfire. When a Human Effigy is burned, it will have affect your chances of being invaded by lowering your priority in que. This means that you be less likely invaded within a given span of time.

Is it worth using and worth the risk?
This effect has both its positives and negatives depending on what you need. If you're playing online in a location infamous for high a concentration of invades and your goal is to explore the area and find all the treasures, enemies and secrets it hides then you may not want to be invaded due to being inexperienced or unable to use the terrain to your advantage whereas your invader may know how to use this to his or hers advantage. Likewise for those attempting to rush through sections of their adventures to kill the area boss with a summon or attempting a "suicide run" as an invader could potentially bring these to an abrupt end.

There is a flip side to all this though. The fact that you would have to burn a fairly valuable item is a big risk. As I said, burning Human Effigy lowers your priority in que and, with that, your chances of being invaded. It doesn't completely nullify invasions though so there is still a chance that you may encounter an uninvited visitor to your world. Keep this in mind before setting it ablaze.

What else to keep in mind?
Don't forget that Human Effigy can be farmed from certain enemies and can also be purchased from traders but they will only carry a limited supply so once you purchase all the Human Effigy they have to offer, they will never restock. Even though it is a rare item, you will find a large amount as you progress through the game as long as you do not waste them. If you've only died once then there is no need to use up a Human Effigy unless you're planning on summoning someone into your world. Even so, since you'll restore your humanity back to full and can use this to your advantage. If you're having trouble with a boss then you can go a few more rounds and learn its attacks and movements. Then, when you feel ready to kill the beast or beasts, pop a humanity to get your health back to full and summon a white phantom if you feel you need to. You'll now have a good idea of how the boss works with little to no repercussion from your deaths. Also, one last thing; using a Human Effigy to restore your humanity will not restore the amount of HP you are currently at back to full, only the amount of HP your character can use.

For example, if you have 1000 HP as your max HP but you've died once, you will lose 10% of your max HP which means your new value will be 900 HP. If you then use a Human Effigy, your HP will become 900/1000 as it does not heal you, only restores the amount of HP you are able to posses.

That's all for now
This finishes the Bonfire Consumables Rundown. Like I said, if you haven't checked out my other Rundown on Bonfire Consumables then be sure to do so. Also, keep an eye out for any of my articles that will take an in-depth look at the many different weapons, locations, enemies and items. Thanks for reading and I'll catch you guys next time.



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