Friday, 28 February 2014

Wait!? Another Ninja Gaiden Game!?

Being a so called “gamer,” I usually make sure to keep up to with the latest titles that won’t make me pay an arm and a leg to purchase the game and my first born for all the DLC. Yes, I’m looking at you Borderlands 2 and yes, I did lose my season pass. Thank you for asking. As of late however, I've been feeling pretty lazy when it comes down to actually looking at what the new releases are. This could be due to the fact that almost everything new is a sequel, prequel, remake, reboot and all I want is something new enough to hold my attention span for more than ten seconds and my final resort of just looking out for new games with the first five seconds of a YouTube advert before slamming on the skip button hasn't paid off. Until now that is.